
98% of tax in Lhasa is collected on "cloud" in 2022

Updated: 2023-02-13 (chinadaily.com.cn) Print

According to the Lhasa Municipal Taxation Bureau, the city promoted "contactless" tax and fee  services and achieved tax revenue of 12.04 billion yuan ($1.76 billion) in 2022, where more than 98 percent of services were completed on the "cloud" (online platforms).

In, 2022, the Lhasa Municipal Taxation Bureau made every effort to implement a series of supportive policies on tax refunds as well as tax and fee reduction, and expanded "contactless" tax payment services.

In addition, the city has issued a total of nearly 500 million yuan in credit loans, benefiting more than 370 enterprises, and launched green channels for enterprises in need, where more than 41,400 enterprises received online one-on-one services.

Furthermore, Lhasa has also created a smart tax collection and communication platform, and established a mechanism for addressing problems arising from its online systems, which has basically formed a round-the-clock tax and fee service system, benefiting more than 40,000 enterprises.

The Lhasa Municipal Taxation Bureau said that in 2023, the city's tax authorities will continue to carry out actions to bring more convenience to the public in tax services, launch publicity events on tax-related policies, further expand "contactless" tax and fee services, advance intelligent platform construction, and improve its tax service, so as to support the Chinese modernization with modernized and high-quality tax services.
