Over 110 students attended the opening ceremony, representing a dozen universities, including Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, South-Central Minzu University and Wuhan Business University.
The Xizang autonomous regional government has announced that it will allow the children of businesspeople from outside the area who have invested more than 3 million yuan ($417,000) in the region to take the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, in Xizang.
Tsering Drolma said she is very pleased with the central government subsidy she receives that covers all her school costs — including tuition, accommodation and basic study materials — and it is a big help for a rural herding family like hers.
The Xizang autonomous region has witnessed a dramatic transformation in preschool and compulsory education over the past 65 years since democratic reform began in 1959, regional educational authorities said at a news conference on Wednesday.
The Xizang autonomous region has witnessed a remarkable transformation in its educational landscape since the region started practicing democratic reform in 1959, regional education authorities said at a news conference on Wednesday.