Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region remains one of the best environmental areas in the world, with local biodiversity and ecosystems remaining stable in 2021, according to a report issued Thursday.
The Tibet autonomous region has spent more than 68.4 billion yuan ($10.3 billion) on water conservancy over the past decade, and rural residents no longer need to fetch drinking water on their backs, or break ice to get water, an official said at a news conference on Thursday.
The Tibet autonomous region spent more than 68.4 billion yuan ($10.2 billion) on water conservancy over the past decade, so that rural residents no longer fetch drinking water and carry it on their backs, or break ice to get water in winter, an official said at a news conference on Thursday.
Data from the Tibet Disabled Persons' Federation show that the Tibet autonomous region has arranged employment for 17,700 people with disabilities, Xinhua News Agency reported.
Images captured in places around the city of Nagchu, Tibet autonomous region, indicate the area is a stable home for snow leopards, the city's forestry and grassland bureau said recently.
Tibetan fireman Mane Kyab would never forget the scene when he participated in quake relief, after a devastating tremor hit Yushu Tibet autonomous prefecture in Northwest China's Qinghai province 12 years ago.
When Pasang Tsering became Party chief of Midikha township, Tibet autonomous region, in 2015, he knew that lifting the locals out of poverty would be his biggest challenge.