Thirteen monks passed the annual dharma debating exam and were accredited as Geshe Lharampas — the highest academic degree of Tibetan Buddhism — on Sunday at Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region.
More than 9,500 5G base stations had been built in Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region by the end of March, with the number of 5G users in the region nearing 1.03 million, according to a 5G+ industrial internet conference held on Tuesday.
In Geling Village of Medog County in Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, the morning air of spring is filled with the sweet aroma of freshly picked tea sprouts.
A two-day frisbee activity conducted at a primary school in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, allowed young students to learn accurate throwing and dribbling techniques in the sport last week.
A fish ladder in the Laluo water conservancy project in Shigatse, Tibet autonomous region, was listed recently in Guinness World Records as the world's highest altitude fish ladder, with experts optimistic its success will be replicated elsewhere on the plateau.
Thirteen monks obtained the degree of Geshe Lharampa, equivalent to a doctoral degree in modern education, on Sunday in Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region.
An afforestation project in the northern and southern mountains of Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region aims to plant trees on a total land area of 137,800 hectares by 2030, local media reported.